GMOs. What are they and why do they even exist?
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism who's DNA has been altered to exhibit a desired trait, to become more profitable and prolific. Supposedly this is how we are going to ' Feed the World'. By planting GM seeds which are resistant to certain pesticides, so the weeds are killed and the yields are higher. Ta -da! Oh wait a minute.................there's something I missed. You cant actually save seeds from these crops. Because they have been modified to within an inch of their life, the seeds produced are rendered redundant. Well there's that lifecycle broken. So back to the big guys (Monsanto...more of them later) to buy more seeds. Seem like a bit of a money maker to me.
But there seems to be another side to these organisms that people still know very little about. And what I didn't realise was that these GMOs could potentially be killing us, albeit very slowly...
GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism who's DNA has been altered to exhibit a desired trait, to become more profitable and prolific. Supposedly this is how we are going to ' Feed the World'. By planting GM seeds which are resistant to certain pesticides, so the weeds are killed and the yields are higher. Ta -da! Oh wait a minute.................there's something I missed. You cant actually save seeds from these crops. Because they have been modified to within an inch of their life, the seeds produced are rendered redundant. Well there's that lifecycle broken. So back to the big guys (Monsanto...more of them later) to buy more seeds. Seem like a bit of a money maker to me.
But there seems to be another side to these organisms that people still know very little about. And what I didn't realise was that these GMOs could potentially be killing us, albeit very slowly...
Sorry I'm perhaps scaring and confusing you already, lets back up a bit......
Having hailed from Europe, the metropolis they call Scotland, we rarely thought about GM crops, as there weren't many, that we knew of. But coming over to North America approximately 85% of processed foods contain GMOs. Its everywhere!! And these GM guys are bullies to boot(imo). They refuse to label items in the food chain that are genetically modified and leave it to organic farmers to use the label Non GMO instead. But does that really give us the right information, if they just 'don't say'? Sneaky I think.
GM crops are not limited to North America thought, they truly are everywhere.
Check this wonderful article from the Guardian newspaper in Scotland about the fight back against GM crops.
As usual the stress is on feeding our nation and loosing out financially because farmers won't be competitive with their prices. Why is Scotland puffing its chest up and refusing GM seeds? Because Scotland gives a sh*t about how their whiskey is produced and how their Aberdeen Angus cattle are fed. Because they won't be bullied into this dark side that they, nor anyone else ( willing to share) knows enough about.
GOOD ON YOU SCOTLAND! Cue Braveheart soundtrack......
GOOD ON YOU SCOTLAND! Cue Braveheart soundtrack......
So this big bully that I'm talking about is Monsanto. And the worst of it all is the CEO is Scottish. Imagine that. There's got to be some rats in the pack I suppose guys.
Monsanto owns loads of companies and also people in high up places. So generally if they say these seeds are to be grown, the government politely says ok? No further questions asked.
I like to see the good in people though, so I have an issue with believing that they would deliberately poison our families without testing, testing and testing again.
Monsanto owns loads of companies and also people in high up places. So generally if they say these seeds are to be grown, the government politely says ok? No further questions asked.
I like to see the good in people though, so I have an issue with believing that they would deliberately poison our families without testing, testing and testing again.
Which brings me to a documentary my husband and i sat down to watch the other evening.
GMO OMG by Jeremy Seifert. 
The title gives it away, but it is a dads journey to find out if all the research is in place to ensure GM crops are safe for our children to eat. Did he find out? I'll let you watch it to see for yourself. But Monsanto did avoided him at all costs, which is gotta make you suspicious. Why did they do that when i was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt? Geez I hate that! Ok, they are well and truly off my Christmas list now.
Learning is all about timing isn't it? If your not in the right head space then its hard to focus on something new. (hmmmm reminds me of my high school years.) Then all of a sudden it clicks and you're hooked. I hate to say it, but its age I think. Maturity comes to the best of us.
If someone had recommended this movie to me a few years ago, I'd have probably nodded with no intention of ever finding it on Netflix. I wouldn't have wanted to know what a GMO was, unless it was a text abbreviation for 'Great Monday's Over'!
Like now, when my friend Teresa shares a link about how bad microwaves are for you, I don't even open it. I'm not ready to give up my reheated coffee just yet (made with organic coffee beans and GM milk ! One out of two can't be bad right?)
Now I am ready to face GMOs head on. I want to know more. I'm at that time in my life where it matters. I have 2 small boys and I don't want them developing tumours in their 30's because of my choices to save some extra pennies here and there. ( ok a bit dramatic, but really do they allow us to think anything else?).
Now I am ready to face GMOs head on. I want to know more. I'm at that time in my life where it matters. I have 2 small boys and I don't want them developing tumours in their 30's because of my choices to save some extra pennies here and there. ( ok a bit dramatic, but really do they allow us to think anything else?).
So if there is one thing you watch on Netflix in the next month, please make it GMO OMG. It is a true eye opener, especially for people like me who know a little about something but not quite enough to make different choices.
Now i must sign off to go and stare at my pantry in disbelief at all the toxic business i have in there. Yes i should get rid and start a fresh, but I'm a frugal Scot, so that's not going to happen.
Therefore we will eat our way through it and on my next supermarket run i will make alternative choices that i can happily bring to the dinner table to feed my family and friends. I'm not talking about my whole shopping basket, (I mentioned about being frugal right?) but maybe I'll start by changing my milk to organic. Next week I might add in organic rice, because as much as we don't want it to be, its all about cost. The more people making these little changes though, the more chance there is to drive the production in organic farming up and the costs to the consumer down. Think with your heart and then hopefully your pocket will be rewarded later.
Happy Shopping....
Therefore we will eat our way through it and on my next supermarket run i will make alternative choices that i can happily bring to the dinner table to feed my family and friends. I'm not talking about my whole shopping basket, (I mentioned about being frugal right?) but maybe I'll start by changing my milk to organic. Next week I might add in organic rice, because as much as we don't want it to be, its all about cost. The more people making these little changes though, the more chance there is to drive the production in organic farming up and the costs to the consumer down. Think with your heart and then hopefully your pocket will be rewarded later.
Happy Shopping....