Wednesday, 6 January 2016

Easy Peasy Guacamole

One of my boys likes avocados, the other detests them. It just goes to show, you can feed kids the same foods growing up but with our gazillion tastebuds in our mouths, we're all going to have different sensations going on.
For some of us, sour buds explode when tasting grapefruit, others think it tastes like a slightly bitter/sweet orange. Some need salted chips (fries) while others rarely use any seasoning.
We are all different outside and in. Try and keep that in mind when your kids try new things.

They do say though, eat/drink something 20 times and your going to acquire a taste for it. I think i was like that with Guinness, red wine and whiskey! It does go to show perseverance is key. :o)
I do love avocados and they were one of THE most popular foods of 2015! They are used in everything from smoothies to pasta sauce, to the most amazing toast toppers. ( not forgetting face masks too) They are an extremely versatile fruit and definitely warrant their popularity.
Why are they so fantastic? Well they are packed full of vitamins and fibre and contain more potassium than a banana. They are high in fat, but the majority of this fat is from oleic acid.
Oleic acid has been linked to reduced inflammation and been shown to have beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer fat.
This fat is also used to extract optimum antioxidants from fruit and vegetables in our guts. Pretty cool eh?
Lots more fascinating Avo facts here.
This dish takes all of 5 minutes to prepare and you can totally play around with seasoning and flavours to suit your audiences tastes.
Easy Peasy Guacamole
  • 2 Large Avocados
  • 2 tbsp plain yoghurt or sour cream
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Optional
    Sprinkling of chilli flakes or
    1/4 tsp cumin powder
Mash avocados and add in yoghurt and seasoning. Serve immediately.
Avocados turn brown once opened, but the lemon juice should help it remain green for some time after its mashed.
Use this as a dip for nachos or put it on your scrambled eggs or plain buttered toast. You could also put it on your face, minus the salt and lemon, and use organic yoghurt, if you could resist not licking it off!  There are many ways to use avocados and I'm sure in 2016 they are gonna be just as popular as last year.
Hit me back with your favourite ways to use this green goddess......................

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